domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

Entrevista a CHRISTOPH WALTZ :

Aquí teneis una entrevista a Christoph Waltz, el Coronel Landa en Malditos Bastardos, ganador del merecidísimo OSCAR 2010, al mejor actor de reparto. Atentos al inglés del entrevistador. El de Waltz se entiende muy bien.

CHRISTOPH: Good morning Manny.

MANNY: Oh , thank you. Good morning Mr. Christoph. So, let me tell you. I saw and loved the movie and the best part of the film is you (....) Oh, you´re welcome!. How did you get involved into making the film?

CH: You know, Quentin...Being Quentin decided and then did not ever budge (cambiar de opinión) again from his idea that all the..., of course, American parts in his script would be played by Americans, but...all the French parts would be played by French people and all the Germans by Germans. So, he came here to, know, cast for all the German parts in it and also for Coronel Landa and I was one of the lucky ones to be called for that.

M: Right, now. Let´s talk a little bit about your character: Coronel Landa. What got you/attracted to the character?

CH: This, I refer to as one of the best roles in dramatic literature from the beginning, not just in movies but, you know, also the other dramatic literature. Now, in movies is one of the most interesting parts by far and... I´d say is the part of the century. Now, consider that film, as a medium is about a hundred years old, that tells you a lot about that part. quality kind...jumps at you in the moment you open the first page. This first pa..., this first scene or first chapter really is like a classical....a classical one act play, in a way. Now, that transpose onto film on the level that it is, you know, filmic...filmic and cinematic level, it´´s... mmmmm....when I saw it for the first time I couldn´t believe it. It really impressed me down to the bone. It´s very important to, know, from my side, to keep an open for your interpretation because I´d say...mmmmm...all of this is a process, all of this needs to be, you know, in the flow that needs to be maintain until, arrives at you. make it what the final result is.

M: Yeah, now hear, help me to understand the character, rockly. One of mi minor, minor, minor problems with the movie is you´re sudden...your character sudden switchs over (cambia) without revealing too much. You know, all of a sudden, the character sort of kind of switch. That I had a hard time believing but one say , basically, I kinda sort to understand, but help me to understand about that, Mr. Christoph.

CH:Well, this is exactly what you say. You know, so many things, like in real life really, so many things happen at he same time. There is not just one strand (hebra) of reality that you are operating in them. You would be a robot; because we are not robots, but we are all human beings, we have so many things going on at the same time. I claim that Landa is a person who understands all these....these... strains, these fibers....these aaahh....these...levels of various realities and he cam jump between them. So, he can turn quickly around because he is following his....own agenda and his own goal, his own goals, so, mmm...that might be, you know, a bit fast, a bit quick and a bit too light for the first viewing, but always retrospectively you see that it makes perfect sense; that is all part of the, in a way, grander strategy of this person.

M: I understand that you had credit in Quentin Tarantino in sort of rejuvenating your career

CH.: I have that thanking for giving me my belief back, my belief in myself as an actor and that is, in a way, much more than the career, you see, because really working with him...It was hard work, it was long work and it was extremily intense work, made me...made me...kind of remember why I wanted to become an actor in the first place and after thirty some years, you know, sometimes you lose that thought a little bit and..mmmm.. working with Quentin...Quentin..He was a parent for me every day, every minute.

M: I just want to congratulate you in the film again. And I want to congratulate you, in advance, for winning the Best Supporting Actor Oscar, Mr. Christoph.

CH: Oh thank you! Can we hope that again when we....?

M: Sure!! I´ll be right there. Thank you so much.

CH: Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thank you.

¡DIOS MIO! ¡¡ME ENCANTA EL INGLÉS DE ESTE AUSTRÍACO!! :-) ¿Qué os parece el del entrevistador? Escribid vuestros comentarios.

Entonces, ¿por qué creéis que se rien al final? Well, a parte del ramalazo del tio y de dar por hecho que va a ganar el Oscar al mejor actor de reparto (Best Supporting Actor) a mi, Elenilla :-), me llama la atención que le diga "supporting" (de reparto) y no directamente "Best Actor" (al mejor actor).
Como sabeis la diferencia entre "de reparto" y "mejor actor" es que el primero es "actor secundario" y el segundo es el "actor principal". Quien haya visto la peli sabrá que el Coronel Landa es perfectamente protagonista del film y no secundario.

3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Análisis de la que pudo ser y no fue TRADUCTORA y que por cierto a olvidado todo:

El presentador me cae como una patada en mi nuevo estómaguillo; me parece una locaza integral y me cuesta más entenderle.

Habla más arrastrado, más americano con chicle en la boca...¿no?.

El austríaco me encanta porque pronuncia muy, pero que muy perfecto y ayuda a entender las palabras que dice....entender lo que significan ya es otra cosa ja ja ja.

¿Cómo es ese "litrata" por literature super pronunciado....MUY FUERTE?; ja ja ja.

No he visto la peli pero el comentario final es por SOPORTAR mucho o qué je je.

Ya me contarás

Elenilla :-) dijo...

Mi querida Leti:
1)Gracias por hacer los deberes.
2)Si te digo que a una amiga mía galesa le costaba entender palabros de "tu" locaza integral, ¿cómo te quedas?
3)Efectivamente "support" es soporte/soportar/sostener/ayuda/apoyo..., pero el adjetivo "supporting" significa "secundario", "de reparto"; quizá porque el actor secundario "soporta/respalda/sostiene" la película junto con otros actores.
Lo que tu locaza no logra pillar es que Waltz es actor principal y no secundario (en mi humilde opinión).

Anónimo dijo...

este presentador pierde bastante aceite,y se le entiende ,pelin mal pero el otro mejor,lo que pasa que entender yodo,nada de nada ..Elenilla pon deberes un poco mas faciles qe si no no voy a ser capaz de involucrar a tus todas maneras a mi me ha molado y !he recordado algo de mi ingles perdido!bueno muchos bss marisa

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