martes, 11 de mayo de 2010


He aquí un cuento con mucha moraleja.
Escucha una vez sin leer. A continuación, escucha de nuevo y lee la transcripción para mayor entendimiento.

The Clever Son (El hijo listo)

One morning, in a far away village, Ravi helped his father (ayudó a su padre a subir) onto a bullock cart (carro de buey).
Just, at that moment, his son, David, ran towards them (corrió tras ellos): "Father, where are you taking grandfather?" (padre, ¿dónde llevas al abuelo?).
"I am taking him to town" (le llevo a la ciudad)
"I am coming too, father!" (¡yo también voy, padre!)
Ravi, however, told David to stay at home (quedarse en casa). He called his wife (esposa) to take David away (llevarse al niño), but David run out to the cart (corrió hacia la carreta) and jumped it (de un salto, subió).
Ravi gave up (partió) and took him alone (se lo llevó). They drove on (Siguieron adelante) and soon came to a graveyard (pronto llegaron a un cementerio).
Ravi got off (se apeó) the cart and said: "David, stay there with grandfather. I will be back soon". (David, quédate ahi con el abuelo. Volveré pronto)
Ravi went to an isolated spot (lugar aislado) and began to dig (empezó a cavar).
After a while, David became restless (se impacientó) and decided to go after his father.
He saw his father and said: "What are you doing, father?"
"I am digging (estoy cavando). What are you doing here?. I told you to stay with grandfather!" (te dije que te quedaras con el abuelo).
But, David said: "What are you digging for, father?" (¿para qué estás cavando, padre?")
Ravi saw he had no choice (no tenía elección) but to tell David the truth. "Son, it´s a grave (tumba) for your grandfather".
"But...Grandfather is not dead!". (pero, ¡el abuelo no está muerto!)
"Yes, but he is old and useless now. (Si, pero es viejo e inútil). He won´t live long so, there´s no harm in burying him now". (No vivirá mucho, asi que, no se pierde nada si se le entierra ahora).
And he picked up the spade (pico) and began to dig not far away.
"What are you doing?"
"When you are old, father, I´ll bring you here and push you in" (Cuando seas mayor, padre, te traeré aquí y te colaré dentro)
"WHAT??. Would you do that to your own father?" (¿Qué?, ¿harías eso a tu propio padre?)
"I wouldn´t want to break the family tradition, father" (No me gustaría romper la tradición familiar, padre).
Ravi realized his folly (Ravi se dió cuenta de su insensatez).
He hurled (se lanzó) to David and said: "Son, you have stopped me from committing a horrible crime". ("Hijo, no has dejado que cometa un crimen terrible").
Ravi, then, took his father home and took good care of him for as long as he lived. (Ravi, entonces, llevó a su padre a casa y lo cuidó mucho toda su vida).
He then told his wife of all that had happened and said (Luego, le contó a su esposa lo que había pasado y dijo): "You know, sometimes children are wiser (más sabios) than us, grown-ups (personas mayores)".

¿Qué más queremos de los ancianos
a parte de su sabiduría y su paz?
Están cansados de su andar sin descanso
pero ¡cómo brilla, aún, esa luz en su mirar!
Elenilla :-)

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